Upcoming Programs, Workshops, and Trainings
322 programs
showing results 61–70
- Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
- On Campus
Hands of Light
The Fundamentals of Brennan Healing Science

Joy Adler
- Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
- On Campus
Knit, Pray, Love
Where Crafting Meets Mindfulness

Michelle Dalbec

Jill Tamminen
- Sunday-Thursday: 4 nights
- On Campus
The Deep Heart
Exploring The Portal to Presence

John J. Prendergast

Christiane Prendergast
- Monday-Friday: 4 nights
- On Campus
Ignite Your Practice
Deepen Into Kripalu Yoga

Michelle Dalbec

Christopher Holmes
- Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
- On Campus
The New Memoirist and the Courage to Create

Elissa Altman
- Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
- On Campus
Awaken Your True Nature
Explore the Ancient Tradition of Huichol Shamanism

Brant Secunda
- Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
- On Campus
The Great Work of Your Life
Reconnect With Your True Self

Ilana Beigel