Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann, E-RYT 500, a physical therapist, functional yoga pioneer, and empowerment speaker, is redefining yoga through better education and innovation. She developed Lara’s Yoga Technique (LYT™) to address the deficiencies and imbalances of our modern lives and limited movement patterns. LYT™ Yoga is sustainable, freeing, and efficient, with classes that emphasize intelligent sequencing, smart cuing, alignment, and functional movement. Lara honed this method through 25 years of practice and more than 10 years of teaching tens of thousands of people. She leads teacher training certifications online and in person at her studio, YogaStream, in Princeton, New Jersey, and hosts workshops and speaking engagements around the globe.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:

LYT Teacher Training Program


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