The Power of Loving-Kindness Meditation

The practice of loving-kindness meditation, also known as metta meditation, has multiple benefits—enhancing health, mood, relationships, and peace of mind. Read more from our experts.

What Is Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation?

The Pali word metta is most often translated as "loving-kindness," and the practice of metta meditation helps open your heart to yourself and to...

Sitting in Stillness: Mantras, Metta, and Meditation

Meditation can benefit the nervous system, improve our sleep, and help us find serenity, says Kripalu presenter Bhavani Lorraine Nelson.

Quieting the Mind with Loving-Kindness Meditation

After returning home from Kripalu, Dani Shapiro promised herself that each day she would practice metta meditation for at least 15 minutes. Here's how...

How Metta Meditation Builds Resilience

Research shows that metta meditation enhances positive emotions, which, in turn, produces increases in a wide range of personal resources.

10 Ways to Deepen Your Loving-Kindness Practice

To soften and open your heart to others is to lead a truly fulfilling life, says author and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg.

Oct 02, 2019

The Evidence-Based Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation

LKM offers unique benefits that are subtly different from other kinds of meditation. What are those differences? Some just might surprise you.

Self-Compassion and Loving-Kindness in Difficult Times

As we open to our own experience with kindness, we step out of the mental narratives and are able to respond more kindly and wisely.

A Meditation Practice You Might Actually Enjoy

Metta meditation is about extending compassion first to yourself (a common place to start, though there’s no right or wrong way to begin) and then to others.