Carrie Owerko

Carrie Owerko has been teaching yoga and exploring the relationship between body, breath, and mind for several years. She holds a senior intermediate Iyengar teaching credential and continues her studies with the Iyengar family by traveling regularly to India in addition to her ongoing, in-depth study with Patricia Walden. Before studying yoga, Carrie attended the Laban Institute in New York City and worked as a movement analyst. She studied theatre and dance in college and spent years exploring human movement, meaning, and communication. Carrie is fascinated by the relationship of discipline and playfulness and her approach to Iyengar Yoga is characterized by curiosity, openness, and affection. 

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • Asking the Questions, Questioning the Answers

    Carrie Owerko reflects on whether certain oft-repeated descriptive phrases, colorful as they might be, really serve yoga teachers' deeper intention or communicate what they feel truly matters in yoga.

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