Rha Goddess

Rha Goddess is an entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of breakthrough changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs, from New York Times bestsellers to multi-million dollar social enterprises. Her unique methodology has empowered a new generation of conscious entrepreneurs to stay true, get paid, and do good. From the onset of her more than 30-year career as a cultural innovator, social impact strategist, and creative change agent, Rha has drawn on the power of creativity, culture, and community to move hearts, minds, and policy. As a sought-after speaker, Rha has led the conversation around a whole-self approach to entrepreneurship as key to a more just, harmonious, and sustainable economy and culture. Rha is the author of The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do, a game-changing book that offers a six-step approach on how to find and follow your true calling.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:

Gratitude Meditation with Rha

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