Baxter Bell


Baxter Bell, MD, C-IAYT, YACEP, is coauthor of the book Yoga for Healthy Aging and a leading voice internationally for the benefits of yoga as we age. Baxter is a certified yoga therapist, medical acupuncturist, yoga educator, and physician. He has been a yoga practitioner since 1993, a yoga instructor since 1999, and has been teaching aspiring yoga teachers and yoga therapists for the last 20 years. Baxter is a regular contributor to YogaU Online, leads workshops and retreats in the United States and abroad, and you can join him online for weekly live-streaming yoga sessions from anywhere in the world.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • Yoga for Healthy Aging

    We tend to think we can keep the brain healthy just by feeding it new information and experiences. But physical exercise could be as or more important than…

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