Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilbert captivated the world in 2006 with her best-selling memoir, Eat Pray Love. In the ensuing years, people worldwide have sought her advice on how to lead a bold and inspired life, and she dedicated herself to exploring the mysteries of creativity and courage. Out of this period of investigation, Elizabeth has written a brilliant nonfiction treatise, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, in which she digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective on creativity. She worked in a Philadelphia diner, a western ranch, and in a New York City bar before Eat Pray Love catapulted her into what Oprah Winfrey called “rock star author” status. She is author of the memoir Committed and the novels The Signature of All Things and Stern Men. Her latest novel, City of Girls, is a rollicking, sexy tale set in the New York City theater world of the 1940s. Elizabeth divides her time between New York City, rural New Jersey, and everywhere else.
Photo credit: Deborah Lopez
Learn more about this presenter's work:
Elizabeth Gilbert and Rachel Cargle on Empathy and Compassion The best-selling author and the social justice advocate discuss the difference between these two concepts and how they inform both creativity and activism.
The Science of Singing Turns out that opening your mouth and letting your voice ring out can catalyze a whole range of physical and emotional benefits.
Five Ways to Find Your Inner Rock Star: An Interview with Elizabeth Gilbert and Rayya Elias Ready to take your singing voice out of the shower and into the world? Here’s some encouragement from two writers who love to raise their voices.
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