Emily Rapp Black

Emily Rapp Black, author of Poster Child: A Memoir and The Still Point of the Turning World, which was a New York Times best-seller, is associate professor of creative writing at the University of California-Riverside, where she also teaches in the School of Medicine. A former Fulbright scholar, she is a graduate of Harvard University and UT-Austin, where she was a James Michener Fellow. Among other awards and honors, Emily is the recipient of the Rona Jaffe Writers Award, the Fine Arts Work Center Winter Fellowship in Provincetown, and the Philip Roth Writer in Residency Fellowship at Bucknell University. Her work has appeared in Vogue; Salon; Slate; the Huffington Post; the Washington Post; the New York Times; O, the Oprah Magazine; Lenny Letter; the Boston Globe, and many other publications and anthologies. Her next book, Sanctuary, a personal re-examination of the word resilience, is forthcoming from Random House in 2019. Casa Azul Cripple, a lyric essay that explores sex, disability, and fetish through the art and life of Frida Kahlo, is forthcoming from Notting Hill Editions and the New York Review of Books in 2020.

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