Jashoda Edmunds
Jashoda Edmunds, E-RYT 500, has studied yoga since 1971 and began teaching in 1987. With Brahmani Liebman, she is cocreator of Journey into Yoga teacher training and the CD Journey into Yoga: Awakening the Spirit. Jashoda is a founding member of the Kripalu Yoga Teachers Association (now the Kripalu Yoga and Ayurveda Association) and a member of the Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training faculty. She is a graduate of the Kripalu School of Yoga and also draws on her study of Buddhism and her training as a Phoenix Rising yoga therapist, shiatsu practitioner, and craniosacral therapist.
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Introduction to Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga Class for Deep Relaxation Explore a Yin Yoga practice and invite deep relaxation through breath work and longer holding of poses.
Holiday Rituals from Our Faculty We asked a few of our Kripalu Schools of Yoga and Ayurveda faculty to share their favorite rituals for the season of celebration.
Living a Spiritual Life: Refining the Qualities of the Heart There are practices that can support us as we stumble through this life—specific meditations and asanas, for example, as well as teachings that speak to the…
The Gifts of Yin Yoga: A Balance to an Active Life and Practice Yin Yoga asks us to keep being here in this moment, because it is the only place that life is happening. It's the perfect complement to our active lives and to…
Having the Talk with Your Parents—About Their Stuff Even more important than clearing the stuff, getting on the same page can open the door to a new level of exchange between grown children and their parents.
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