Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel


Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel, E-RYT-500, is a yoga and mantra teacher, dancer, artist, Phoenix Rising yoga therapist, Usui Reiki master, and ordained Vedic pujari/priest. After a career in dance, Gretchen became a Kripalu Yoga teacher in 1993. In 2006, she met her guru, Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand). Working closely with Namadeva, she became certified in mantra therapy and ordained in Vedic ceremony. Gretchen is the studio owner and director of The Yoga Space in Keene, New Hampshire, and is the founder and training director of the 200-hour Yoga Alliance certified Mantra Teacher Training & Study Immersion and the 300-hour Advanced Mantra Teacher Training. She has been teaching yoga classes, workshops, and leading retreats for more than 25 years. 

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