Turning Point Q&A with Chris Martenson

Chris Martenson, PhD, MBA, is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. He was one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction.

Describe what you do in 15 words or less. 
I am creating a world worth inheriting, which begins by helping individuals build physical, financial, and emotional resilience in their lives.

Tell us about a turning point in your life.
When I realized that I was not in the business of sharing information, but helping people re-examine (and often challenge) their beliefs.

What do you love about teaching? 
I especially love teaching when it passes beyond a simple download of information and becomes an exchange between people that shifts their state, energy, and actions. It is never the same experience twice. It is a two-way street, and will be an evolving art form for my entire life.

What are you passionate about right now? 
Exploring the masculine and feminine archetypes in search of a narrative that can help redirect our cultural values and actions toward a more sustainable future.

What do you do in your downtime?
I rock climb, dance, read books, and attend to my garden and orchard.

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