Laurel M.

When I walked into the lobby with that incredible view of the lake and mountains, I was speechless.

Kripalu came along at just the right time. After three years on disability for a long-term condition, I simply didn’t have the means to buy things or go away on retreat, and I was focused on rebuilding my physical strength. Because of the generosity of a Kripalu scholarship, I had the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be here.

Coming to Kripalu helped me feel a part of the world again. When I walked into the lobby with that incredible view of the lake and mountains, I was speechless. The Kripalu staff were peacefully attentive.

Before Kripalu, I had never tried yoga. Now, I practice beginner yoga three to four times a week, with programs I download and can take with me anywhere. My 3-year-old grandson practices Tree pose right along with me. Yoga has given me great flexibility, loosened muscle tension, and profoundly helped with my chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. The breathing exercises are healing in ways I had never dreamed. My breathing capacity is better now than ever before.

I feel different in the world. I used to be drained from taking care of myself. Now I go places I’ve never been, and I’m present to experience everything, even if it’s just a smile at the right time. I also still walk and practice dance.

I’d lost myself, and now I’m back. And it didn’t take months of workshops! I just listened with my heart, and it opened my eyes again to the importance of finding my place in the world.

—Laurel M., hospitality employee, Dudley, Massachusetts

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