Michael B.

Most people speak of how they found yoga, but yoga truly found me.

My first experience with yoga was in the Marine Corps, when our Wednesday morning physical training was hijacked by a yoga instructor. I hated it. I was strong but inflexible, and stretching was painful. I couldn’t even touch my toes.

Yoga found me again a year later when my physical therapist added it to my therapy regimen during my recovery from a career-altering injury. Once again, I hated every minute, despite the fact that it was effective in helping me regain mobility.

When I got out of the Marine Corps, I was lost, lacking in purpose and suffering from depression. A year later, still trying to fight off depression, I was active at a Brazilian jiu jitsu gym that partnered with a yoga studio. It was during the complimentary yoga clinics that I first fell in love with the physical aspect of the practice. I made it a regular part of my physical training. Gradually, I discovered the spiritual aspects and mental health benefits of yoga.

Since then, I have been on a journey of personal growth, spirituality, and self-awareness. Today, I am a Kripalu Yoga teacher, sharing yoga with youth and seniors at schools, senior centers, community centers, and athletic organizations in underserved communities throughout central Connecticut. My life purpose is to spread the message of hope and healing through yoga.


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