Mike E.

Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training was the highlight of my life. The methodology at Kripalu truly makes you a teacher!

After six months of intensive chemotherapy for Stage IV non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, I was depleted and weak. Having been off work for six months, I decided an extended stay at Kripalu would offer fresh mountain air, a nutritious diet to rebuild my body, and daily yoga to regain my strength. I was granted a scholarship for Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training, which I vowed to repay. I packed my mat, and off I went.

Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training was the highlight of my life. The methodology at Kripalu truly makes you a teacher!

A year ago, I offered a yoga nidra experience at the university where I teach, and ended the session with a quote from Richard C. Miller: “Whenever we are serving another, we are serving our Selves, and whenever we are serving our Self, we are serving all others.” This became my practice, and inspired me to apply to the Kripalu School of Ayurveda.

Thinking about the scholarship given to me several years ago, and having since repaid the funds allotted to me so someone else could benefit, I felt inspired to create a fundraiser for the Kripalu School of Ayurveda Scholarship Fund. I invited local and national yoga teachers, vendors, and retailers to donate presents. The response was humbling. Instead of a raffle, everyone would get a gift for their donations.

I challenged my fellow students to match my $1,000 donation by donating $20 in exchange for one of the donated items. If the goal was met, another thousand would be included. One student was inspired to donate $1,000, sending the total to $4,000. Then we challenged the Board of Directors to match the funds for a total of $8,000. This grass-roots effort raised enough money to offer four scholarships to those whom might not otherwise be able to attend the Foundations of Ayurveda program.

Now, my health is great! I’m at the nine-year anniversary mark, and cancer-free. Kripalu is my medicine. I continue to be inspired by the faculty, curriculum, and my fellow students.

—Mike E., yoga teacher, St. Louis, Missouri

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