Jamie S.

Mother-daughter bonding time is the most precious gift Kripalu has given me.

My daughter and I have come for Kripalu R&R every year for the past 15 years. Although we often go our own ways during the day, we always meet up for meals. Each visit has been reflective of the different stages of our lives and our relationship through the years, and our time here has given us many shared experiences and common memories.

Kripalu is a spiritual sanctuary for me. My time here is always a centering and grounding experience. Part of it is being away from home and from all the things that pull my energy in many directions on a daily basis. After a few days of unplugging, doing lots of yoga, hiking in the woods, reading in the Sun Room, and relaxing in the whirlpool and sauna, I go back to my everyday life more grounded and focused, and more committed to not being pulled in a hundred different directions.

Time at Kripalu makes me a nicer person and a better mother—more patient, loving, and compassionate.

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