Nanette Bowen

Nanette Bowen, PA-C, C-IAYT, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, is a physician assistant, nationally certified Ayurvedic practitioner, Kripalu Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga specialist, and Mindful Risk-Taking counselor. Blending more than 35 years of clinical practice with Ayurveda and yoga, she incorporates Eastern and Western models of medicine into practices designed to integrate and balance body, mind, and spirit. Nanette leads workshops in micro-resiliency practices for healthcare professionals and mindful risk-taking, and teaches Ayurveda modules for yoga teacher training programs.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • Healing the Healers: Five Ways to Keep Burnout at Bay

    In her 37 years in the healthcare field—first as an RN and now as physician assistant in Grand Rapids, Michigan—Nanette Bowen never imagined that she’d be asking doctors and nurses to close their eyes and do a body-scan meditation during grand rounds.

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