Harville Hendrix

Harville Hendrix, PhD, and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt—his partner in life and work—believe that how we interact with each other is the key to our emotional, physical, and economic well-being. Together, they are committed to the transformation of relationships and to the evolution of a relational culture. They are the cocreators of Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy, which has spread globally through Imago Relationships Worldwide, an organization that has trained more 2,500 therapists in 53 countries. They are also cocreators, of Relationships First®, a nonprofit organization that contributes to the creation of a relational culture through the distribution of new insights from the relational sciences. Harville is coauthor of three New York Times best sellers Getting the Love You Want; Keeping the Love You Find; and Giving the Love That Heals, as well as Making Marriage Simple, and six other books. He is a couple’s therapist with more than 40 years’ experience as an educator, trainer, and lecturer.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:

Harville and Helen: What Makes Relationships Hard


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