John Bagnulo
John Bagnulo, MPH, PhD, is a naturalist, nutritionist, farmer, and assistant professor who teaches courses at universities and wellness centers.
Learn more about this presenter’s work:
Nutritionist John Bagnulo “Why Our Mitochondria Might Play the Greatest Role in Our Health”
The Summer Foodie One of the best things about summer is eating fresh produce in season. When it's local and organic, that's even better.
The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15: What to Buy Organic Start off your year organic! The Environmental Working Group has released its 2019 list of produce containing the highest and least amounts of pesticides.
Daily Detox in Five Easy Steps Two Kripalu experts offer simple, everyday tips for healthy eating with a detox-minded approach.
Healthy Desserts Without Deprivation It’s that time of year … you can’t take a step without running smack dab into a slice of cake, a plateful of cookies, or a steaming pumpkin latte.
How to Use Food as Medicine Dr. James S. Gordon, MD, director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, helped create the Food As Medicine approach some 20 years ago for medical students.
Eating Your Way to Good Health The Paleo diet argues for a return to how our ancestors ate—mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, with limited amounts of fish, seafood, poultry, and…
Detox: What It Is and Why to Do It Cheryl Kain, guest blogger When I set out to learn more about detox, the first thing I discovered was that I had some outdated ideas, based on college days...
Gluten-Free for All? For years, the medical community as a whole has resisted recommending a gluten-free diet to patients who have not tested positive for celiac disease, a...
The Skinny on Fat: How Bad for Us Is Fat—Really? The total fail of the fat-free ’80s and ’90s taught us that fat isn’t perhaps the villain we made it out to be, and that following a low-fat diet not only...
How to Have a Nutritious Thanksgiving With all the focus on overindulgence—of food and family—we often forget that Thanksgiving is, at heart, a day for giving thanks and being grateful. That...
Breakfast—Not Just for Champions Mom was right: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. For 20 years, says nutritionist and Kripalu presenter John Bagnulo.
Egg to Differ: In Defense of Eggs A study recently published in the medical journal Atherosclerosis reported that a diet rich in whole eggs is as artery-clogging as smoking. Researchers...
Me Eat. You? The Paleo diet trend is catching on. It used to be called dieting. Now our food restrictions, most of them self-imposed, are called a lifestyle choice. From...
Eating Local Benefits Mind, Body, Spirit, and Earth Photo Courtesy of Angela Cardinali of Berkshire Farm and Table The concept of eating local is as old as humankind itself, when hunters and gatherers would...
Coconut Water: Worth the Hype? Coconut water: Yogi essential or overblown fad? The country is experiencing a specialty beverage bonanza, with customers snapping up “functional”...
Ask the Expert: What Not to Eat and What's Good for You In this edition of Ask the Expert, nutritionist John Bagnulo, PhD, addresses questions on whether to eat or avoid common ingredients...
Cilantro: 10 Ways to Use the Superfood Adored by many, loathed by some, cilantro can be used in countless ways to enhance chilly winter days with a tasty dose of nutrition. Often used in...
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