Otto John Kralovec III

Otto John Kralovec III has 35 years’ experience studying and practicing with Native American and Maya spiritual leaders and shamans and is an accomplished teacher, healer, and author. John has participated in ceremonies throughout the Americas, including sweat lodges, vision quests, fire ceremonies, and a Sundance. He is a Pipe Carrier and Purification Lodge leader in the Plains tradition and a gifted visionary and seer in the Maya Chilam tradition. John is the author of Pathways to the Divine: One Man’s Journey Through the Shamanic Realm of the Ancient Maya, and Seven Steps to Experience the Divine.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • In the Presence of the Divine

    An excerpt from "Pathways to the Divine," in which Kripalu presenter Otto John Kralovec III, a teacher and healer, recounts his visionary experience with the ancient Maya.

  • The Essence of the Moon Goddess

    Despite dramatic differences between ancient and contemporary world cultures, the Moon Goddess is universally regarded as the divine embodiment of healing, fertility, love, compassion, and grace.

  • The Yogi and the Shaman: Twin Sons of Different Mothers

    The beliefs and practices of two great men, Paramahansa Yogananda and Nicholas Black Elk, are a perfect example of the striking similarities between the spiritual foundations of yoga and shamanism.

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