• Presenter

Owen Ó Súilleabháin


Owen Ó Súilleabháin is a singer, composer, and teacher—and believes in the power of art to awaken our most dynamic and creative parts of ourselves into being. He has worked with some of the greatest artists in the world such as director Steven Spielberg, actor Russell Crowe, violinist Nigel Kennedy, The Chieftains, and poet David Whyte. Owen draws upon his experience in performance and on his academic background in philosophy, Greek and Roman civilizations, and Peace Studies as well as the wisdom of Celtic culture to liberate creativity in individuals and organizations. He holds a master’s degree in Peace and Development Studies from the University of Limerick, specializing in national and local hospitality to asylum-seekers in Ireland. In 2018, Owen co-founded The Studio, a business that inspires leadership, innovation, and culture-change through the experience and the inspiration of artistry. In 2020, he established Dámh Imeall :(h)Edge School, an online community of inquiry and experience that provides virtual workshops and courses, along with his mother Nóirín Ní Riain and his brother Mícheál.

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