A Wish for All Couples in the Coming Year

from Kate and Joel Feldman


May your intentions be clear, and your patience ever-present.

May you criticize less and forgive more.

May you be strong and address the tough stuff.

May you make more requests and fewer demands.

May you have compassion for the challenges of your beloved.

May you communicate your needs more and expect less mind-reading.

May you look for more of what your beloved is doing right than wrong.

May you choose to listen, even when it’s tough (and you think you’re right).

May your appreciation for each other flow from your lips many times a day.

When your partner tells you something you’re doing bothers or hurts them, may you look for what makes sense and work at changing yourself.

May you become even more skillful at resolving your conflicts.

May you make more time to generate loving feelings together.

May you shut your computer and open your heart.

May you laugh and play together more.

May you touch more.

May you Do less and Be more in Love.


Join Kate and Joel Feldman for Deepening Your Love at Kripalu.