Zelda Hotaling’s Sacred Dream Circle Project

Kripalu presenter Zelda Hotaling is a spiritual intuitive, Spirit-guided healer, author, visionary, and creator of sacred space. Raised in the Native American tradition of the Haudenosaunee, she was guided in the traditions and sacred ways by her grandmother and other elders on the Kahnawaka Mohawk reservation in Canada.

In 2012, Zelda received a profound vision that led her to create the Sacred Dream Circle Project, as both art and sacred geometry, designed to harmonize and heal. The 21 completed circles are each seven feet in diameter, with thousands of crystals woven into the webs.

When Zelda wasn't spending summers on the reservation, she lived in Albany, New York. "I had the opportunity to be in many different cultures and traditions," she says—a history that's reflected in the project. "Some people see each of the Dream Circles as representative of a particular tradition, whether it's tribal or Celtic or Christian, but to me they are universal and nondenominational. They collectively represent all walks of life, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and spirituality, where we are united in the goal of meaningful life and preservation of our Mother Earth."

When people experience the Circles, she says, they are often deeply moved, without knowing exactly why. "They remember their story, and realize their purpose here," says Zelda. "And thus the energy of the Sacred Dream Circles extends limitlessly in all directions and dimensions."

Here are five of her powerful creations, which will be on view in Kripalu's Main Hall during The Revolution Within: Women's Week at Kripalu, November 10–15. Zelda will share more about the works and their creation at a noontime Visionary Voices session during the week.



As we circulate our breath, the Inspiration Dream Circle allows our hearts to open, to connect with Creator and the Mother Energy to remember our love, gratitude, and thankfulness to Her. It opens our awareness to give ourselves permission to love.



Awakens your spirit to feel the frequency of love, and grounds you. It then circulates the breath through the system of your energy field on all dimensions and cellular levels.



The Heartbeat of the Earth pulsates and opens your heart to healing, bringing you back to remember where you came from: the Mother Energy and Light.


New World

This is the juncture where eagle meets condor, North meets South, and all tribes, religions, and philosophies come together as a cohesive whole, raising to higher consciousness and giving us the opportunity to change thoughts, patterns, and imprints in our DNA.


The Sun Kachina

Giving us the courage to rise up to the full potential of who we are.