Steven Leonard
Kripalu Faculty
Steven Leonard is a holistic movement and meditation teacher. His practice is influenced by both eastern and western models of wellness; evolutionary biology, exercise physiology, orthopedics, neuroscience, yoga, Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine. He is a faculty member for the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, the Kripalu School of Yoga and has been leading teacher trainings for more than a decade. Steven resides in the beautiful Berkshires of western Massachusetts and is currently working towards a doctorate in physical therapy.
“Steven is generous and patient with all of his students, and he demonstrates the most remarkable ability to hold space for others and allow grace to lead the way.”—Lisa P.
Learn more about this presenter’s work:
Take a 90-Second Meditation Break
Managing Emotions in an Uncertain Time: 7 Ways to Stay Grounded Kripalu's Steven Leonard offers answers to the question we're all asking: How do we sustain emotional well-being when we’re opening the fridge 17 times a day,…
4 Things to Do with Your Extra Day Leap Day may look and feel like any other day of the year, but why not treat it like a rare and special gift?
Does Silence Scare You? Silence can be frightening, because it opens the door to thoughts and emotions that noise keeps at bay.
The Benefits of Silence for Body and Mind Studies show that silence can actually stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension.
The Benefits of Yoga + Snowshoeing When the snow falls, stoke your inner fire with the perfect union of winter sports and yoga!
The Slow Revolution: Why and How to Change Gears In our high-speed world, slowing down and stemming the tide of information feels revolutionary. Shifting gears is vita for our physical and mental health.
Eight Windows into Meditation Sitting on a cushion isn't the only way to reap the benefits of this powerful practice.
Establishing a Daily Meditation Practice, the Freestyle Way We know daily meditation is good for us, yet we find it incredibly challenging to integrate it into our daily lives. But what if we allowed ourselves to expand…
Cultivating Self-Compassion Through Birding Kripalu teachers reflect on how birding can be a contemplative practice that focuses on the thrill of the moment rather than checking species off a list.
Five Yoga Poses for Staying Grounded During the Holidays Twisting yourself into a pretzel this holiday season trying to get everything done? Come back to center with one of these practices from our Kripalu Schools…
Embracing Beginner’s Mind Beginner’s mind, like everything else, is a choice. When we choose to turn down our knee-jerk assumptions, we may find a spaciousness that we didn’t know...
Yoga for Your Health Many of us have experienced the immediate results of practicing yoga: less stress and a sense of calm. But regular practice could also yield long-term health…
Flexing Your Mental Muscles We all know that exercise can help keep our bodies strong and healthy, but can it affect brain function as well? A recent story on NPR highlights research...
In Through the Outdoors: The Gifts of Mindful Walking The process of meditation is sometimes described as moving from thinking to feeling, says Kripalu faculty member Steven Leonard, a meditation and yoga teacher.
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