Our Top 10 Articles of 2021

This year, our most-read articles were all about applying the wisdom of Ayurveda to everyday life, from what to wear and how much coffee to drink to tips for sleeping better and spicing up your sex life. Here's the roundup.

Which Direction Do You Sleep In? According to Ayurveda, It Matters

According to vastu shastra, the Hindu version of feng shui, the direction in which your head points while you slumber matters.

Tips for Balancing Vata

In Ayurveda, vata dosha is comprised of air and ether. To balance those qualities, try these nourishing, warm, grounding practices.

What to Wear Every Day of the Week, According to Vedic Astrology

Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, offers a daily color theory for pacifying the planets that can be a helpful tool in the midst of a wardrobe crisis.

Nine Yoga Poses to Balance Your Kapha

Excess kapha can show up in the form of mucus in the lungs, sleepiness, weight gain, and low energy.

Tips for Balancing Pitta in Summer

As August rolls on, pitta aggravation is in full force if your constitution is primarily pitta—one of the three Ayurvedic doshas.

Sending Healing Energy Across Space and Time: The Practice of Long-Distance Reiki

Simply thinking of the recipient while activating the distance symbol, practitioners can send Reiki to anyone, no matter where they are.

How to Take Turmeric: 10 Ways to Make Turmeric Part of Your Daily Diet

The bright yellow, herbaceous perennial known as turmeric, originally from South India, has America enamored with its oft-trumpeted health benefits.

Five Steps to Deepen Your Relationship with Your Spirit Guide

For James Van Praagh, spirit guides aren’t far-off figures; in fact, rarely does a day pass when he doesn't feel their loving presence.

Six Ayurvedic Practices for a Better Sex Life

No matter how often you get it on, at any time of year, you can use Ayurveda to enhance your sex life and to preserve and build your ojas (vitality). Here’s...

6 Ways to Clear Energy and Raise the Vibration in Your Home

Since we’re spending more time at home than ever before, what can we do to clear our spaces of stuck energy?

Aug 15, 2022

Oil Your Feet for Better Sleep

Oiling and massaging the feet each night before bed doesn’t have to be a major operation—it can take as few as three to five minutes.