Kripalu Recipe: Carrot, Celery, and Apple Juice

Brighten up your day and your taste buds with a glass of freshly squeezed juice! This tasty blend is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and immune-boosting nutrients. To maximize nutritional value, use fresh, organically grown produce. A high-quality vegetable and fruit juicer will make juicing easy and efficient. Enjoy today’s recipe—you can increase the amounts as you wish and/or throw in additional fruits and veggies!

Preparation time: 5 to 10 minutes.
Makes 2 cups

5 medium carrots
3 stalks celery
3 small apples, cored

Wash all vegetables and fruits well. (Do not need to peel organic carrots.) Chop and blend all ingredients.

Source: The Kripalu Cookbook: Gourmet Vegetarian Recipes, by Atma Jo Ann Levitt (Berkshire House Publishers). Available through the Kripalu Shop.