3 Meditations for Greater Well-Being

The practice of meditation gives the psychological edge necessary to remain calm and nonreactive under challenging situations. Daily practice creates the clarity for the greater self-control needed to overcome behavioral addictions.

Although each meditation has specific benefits, the application is all-encompassing. Some added benefits of the  practice are discipline, peace of mind, self-esteem, and a greater awareness or higher consciousness.

“Meditation is the art of breaking habits to purify the mind and to take care of day-to-day affairs.” 
—Yogi Bhajan

Breath for Energy

This meditation helps to overcome anxiety, confusion and commotions of the mind by conscious breathing. It also connects us with our inner selves to experience a power greater than ourselves. This will positively affect your state of mind.

  • Sit with spine straight in a chair or cross-legged, palms flat together at the heart center in prayer pose, thumbs pressed against the sternum.
  • Focus between the eyebrows with the eyelids lightly closed. Inhale through the nose in four equal parts, like sniffs. Exhale in four equal parts. On each of the sniffs, powerfully pull the naval point in.
  • Practice for three to five minutes.
  • To end, inhale deeply and press palms together with maximum force for 10 seconds.
  • Exhale, and relax for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Repeat this sequence twice more.

Meditation for Stress Relief and Clearing Emotions of the Past

This meditation is useful for dealing with stress, difficult relationships, past family issues, and unresolved emotional conflicts.

  • Sit with spine straight in a chair or cross-legged.
  • Place your hands at the center of your chest, tips of the thumbs and each finger touching the corresponding fingers on the opposite hand. Fingertips are pointing upward. There is space between the palms.
  • Look at the tip of your nose and inhale for five seconds, hold for five seconds, and exhale for five seconds.
  • Practice for 11 minutes.
  • To end, inhale, hold the breath for a few seconds then exhale and relax.

Meditation for the Negative Mind

This meditation helps to shield us from negativity. It clears the mind of unwanted, negative, or fearful thoughts, protecting and promoting our well-being.

  • Sit with spine straight in a chair or cross-legged.
  • Make a cup of the hands with both palms facing up. The right hand rests on top of the left hand. The right fingers cross over the left fingers.
  • Place cup at the heart center. Elbows are relaxed at the sides.
  • Eyes are slightly open and look down towards the hands.
  • Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale through rounded lips. You will feel the breath on your hands.
  • As you inhale, allow unwanted desires and negative thoughts to enter your mind. As you exhale, completely let them go.
  • To end, inhale powerfully, exhale completely through the nose. Repeat this breath three to five times. Then relax completely.
  • Practice for 11 minutes to begin. Work up to 31 minutes per day.

Find out about upcoming programs with Mukta Kaur Khalsa at Kripalu.

Reprinted with permission from super-health.net.

Mukta Kaur Khalsa, PhD, director of SuperHealth® and author of Meditations for Addictive Behavior and Healing Addictive Behavior, trained personally with Yogi Bhajan for 30 years.

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