Online Program

Amplify Voices of the Global Majority Food and Environmental Justice Summit

Amplify Voices of the Global Majority

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About the Series

We are excited to introduce the second summit in our online Amplify Series, focusing on food and environmental justice.

This spring, we have joined forces with changemakers around the globe who work to dismantle inequity and harm, steward the planet, prioritize collective wellness, and stress interdependent liberation.  

Throughout history, voices of the Global Majority*––Black, Indigenous, people of color––have been at the forefront of breaking down barriers of systemic issues that affect both the planet and humanity and ushering in radical change—whether that has been bringing yoga to the west or fighting for justice on the front lines.

Note You will have access to the recordings for one year. All recordings will be available within 24 hours of the end of each session. You can register for as many sessions as you like.

What to Expect

The Amplify Summit will take place from April 17 through April 24 and offer nine sessions to be in relationship with wisdom holders, grassroots activists, farmers, water protectors, organizers, seed savers, artists, and land defenders together in a community of care. Learn at the intersection of land-based protections, co-liberation, Indigenous sovereignty, ecological renewal, and social justice.

Each session of the summit will educate, inspire, and challenge us through fiercely authentic, live online conversations that uplift varied perspectives, life experiences, and identities within the food justice and environmental justice communities. 

The line-up includes Leah Penniman, Lyla June, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Chef IETEF, Ian Sanderson, ​Antonia Estela Pérez, Aisha Shillingford, Dr. Nazirahk Amen, and Rowen White.

Dive into the following topics: 

  • Food sovereignty, justice, and security 
  • Farming practices and seed saving 
  • Water and land protection 
  • Environmental and racial equity justice 
  • Deep ecology, plant intelligence, and grassroots herbalism
  • Activism allyship 
  • Climate change and climate solutions
  • Colonial violence, globalization, and Indigenous Sovereignty 
  • Radical imagination and wisdom keepers 


Continue the journey to personal and societal transformation in a community united in compassion and committed to equity and accessibility for all. 

Now is a time that requires us to listen, heal historical wounds, and do something different. We enter this work as an act of community care because none of us can be well unless all of us are well. 

*Since Black, Indigenous, and people of color represent over 80% of the world’s population, we use the term Global Majority to point out the demographic inaccuracy of the euphemism “minority.”


Explore the Schedule

Monday, April 17 Opening Session
7:00–9:00 pm | Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Regenerative Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History with Lyla June
Tuesday, April 18

Session Two
12:00–2:00 pm | How Did We Get Here?: An Invitation to Orient Ourselves to the Plants and Restore Ancestral Relationship with ​Antonia Estela Pérez

Session Three
7:00–9:00 |  Introduction to Pattern-Disruption with Ian Sanderson

Wednesday, April 19

Session Four
12:00–2:00 pm | Exploring the Concept of an Expanded Holobiont: A Nondualistic Approach to Regenerative Agriculture as a Path Towards a Healthier Humanity with Nazirahk Amen

Session Five
7:00–9:00 | How Eco-Hiphop Decolonized the Kitchen: Recipes for Resistance with Ietef Vita

Thursday, April 20

Session Six
12:00–2:00 | Re-Seeding Imaginations of a Relational Agricultural System with Rowen White

Session Seven
7:00–9:00 | Black Earth Wisdom with Leah Penniman

Friday, April 21

Session Eight
12:00–2:00 pm |
You Cannot Awaken Someone Who Pretends to Be Awake with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Monday, April 24 Session Nine
7:00–9:00 pm | Giving Birth to the Future Beyond Apocalypse: A Dreamspace for Futures of Love, Regeneration, Interdependence, and Abundance with Aisha Shillingford, Kripalu's Amplify Artist in Residence

Program at a Glance

Yoga Experience
Suitable For
Program Theme
All Self-Discovery


Nazirahk Amen is a naturopathic doctor, Chinese medicine practitioner, peri-urban farmer, and entrepreneur.

Full Bio and Programs

Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota and has a long history with Indigenous activism and advocacy.

Full Bio and Programs

Lyla June Johnston, PhD, is an Indigenous musician, author, and community organizer of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne), and European lineages.

Full Bio and Programs

Leah Penniman is founding co-ED and Farm Director of Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York, an Afro-Indigenous farm that works toward food and land justice. Her books, Farming While Black and Black Earth Wisdom, are love songs for the land and her people.

Full Bio and Programs

Antonia Estela Pérez is a Chilean-American clinical herbalist, gardener, educator, community organizer, co-founder, and artist born and raised in New York City.

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Ian Sanderson, Mohawk Nation, Turtle clan, has spent the last 25 years inspiring awareness and re-connection to self, community, and the rest of the natural world.

Full Bio and Programs

Aisha Shillingford, MA, MSW, MFA, is the artistic director of Intelligent Mischief, a creative studio unleashing Black imagination to shape the future. She is originally from Trinidad and Tobago.

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Ietef "DJ Cavem" Vita, PhD, is a Grammy-nominated Music educator, father of eco-hip hop, cofounder of Plantega, and a celebrity vegan chef with a PhD in urban ecology.

Full Bio and Programs

Rowen White is a Seed Keeper/farmer and author from the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and a passionate activist for indigenous seed and food sovereignty.

Full Bio and Programs

Registration is closed.

Visit the presenter's bio page for their next program, or view a calendar of our current program offerings.




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