Swami Kripalu on the Power of Love

Swami Kripalu, whose teachings form the foundation of the Kripalu methodology, called himself “a pilgrim on the path of love.” He said many times, “Only love can bring unity and remove the separation between all living beings.”

Throughout his life—as a teacher, writer, musician, and yoga master—Swami Kripalu embodied this belief in his actions and human connections. “More than eloquence or good works, it was Swami Kripalu’s genuine love for people that set him apart,” writes Richard Faulds (Shobhan) in his biography of Swami Kripalu, Dharma Then Moksha: The Untold Story of Swami Kripalu.

During this month of love and throughout the year, I find inspiration in Swami Kripalu’s words, which shed light on yoga off the mat, particularly as it relates to relationships. Here is a selection of quotes from Swami Kripalu on the power of love.


“Although there are many virtues, love is the highest among them. Wherever there is love, there is God. Wherever there is love, there is happiness, peace, and bliss. This is known as vaikuntha, or heaven. Ordinarily, we believe that those who are breathing are alive and those who do not breathe are dead. But this belief is not completely true. Only if love exists within us are we alive in a true sense.”

“Those who plant the seed of love in their heart will have to nourish it with the water of patience. Whenever you are able to practice patience with your family members and loved ones, know that true religion is entering into your life. Love has a divine power. When the grand tree of love grows in the heart of a person, their language, eyes, and actions are miraculously transformed. As a result, individuals who come in contact with them also receive the seeds of love. Thus, love brings happiness to oneself as well as to others.”

“The fragrance of a flower can perfume a house, but love’s fragrance can perfume the entire world.”

“Countless times, I have dipped into the world’s highest scriptures and received only love from them. In love there are no barriers of language, no costumes, no egos, and no distinctions of any kind. Lord Love is everything to me. Love is my only path. I am in fact a pilgrim on the path of love.”

“Is there any language that is not exclusively yours or mine? Yes, it’s the language of love. The language of love is the language of the heart and feelings. While the language of words is elaborate, it doesn’t always convey our true or intended feelings. The wordless language of love is directly conveyed and always received with crystal clarity.”

“Wherever you go, spread your love. Just keep the candle of your love burning and whenever you find an unlit candle, light it up. There’s no higher purpose or answer beyond that.”

Vandita Kate Marchesiello, E-RYT 500, is a Kripalu Legacy Faculty member and creator of the best-selling CDs Transform, Relax, and Rejuvenate; Yoga with Vandita; and Vandita Chants.

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