Turning Point Q&A with Andrea Beaman

Many of us have watershed moments in our lives, when everything changes. For holistic health coach and natural-foods chef Andrea Beaman, that moment came when she witnessed her mother undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Describe what you do in 15 words or less.
I teach people how to achieve vibrant health through diet and lifestyle choices.
Tell us about a turning point in your life.
Witnessing the devastating effects of chemotherapy and radiation on my mother's breast cancer. The destruction of her body planted the idea in me that there was something terribly amiss with our modern treatments of disease. Five years after my mother's death, I was diagnosed with incurable thyroid disease. I refused the treatment recommended and instead improved my diet, lifestyle, and consciousness. It took time and patience, but my condition healed. Since that time, I've been teaching others how to naturally heal their physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions.
What do you love about teaching?
I love sharing stories of hope, stories of healing, stories of pain and struggle, stories of learning and growing. It is in sharing these stories that people become inspired to live their best life, the life that was intended for them.
What are you passionate about right now?
Connecting people back to the earth and to a more natural food supply. We don't need nutritional science to tell us what to eat and how much of it. We all know innately what is good for us, but we have disconnected from our source of life.
What do you do in your downtime?
I love eating a delicious meal with family and friends. So many good vibes are shared around the table when people break bread together. Lately, I've been totally hooked on Sudoku. I thoroughly enjoy a good challenge. It helps keep my mind clear and strong.
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