Turning Point Q&A with Julie Sorichetti

Julie Sorichetti, the first Yoga Ed.TM trainer in Canada, has successfully delivered the Yoga Ed. curriculum and Tools for Teachers program to the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association, the Ontario Database for Daily Physical Activity, and the Ministry of Education’s Registry of Bullying Prevention Programs. A mother of three, Julie is a child and youth worker as well as a certified Kripalu Yoga teacher and YogaDance instructor.

Describe what you do in 15 words or less.

My mission is to see that all children have the tools and resources to help them through any situation.

Tell us about a turning point in your life.

When I was 20, I was a child and youth worker in a group home outside my hometown in Canada. I would see the in-house doctors prescribe medication for all these young people, who were constantly questioning their diagnoses and prescriptions. I found myself questioning this as well. I felt there had to be more than medication to help kids, youth, and also adults. It was around that time that I found myself in a yoga class. Yoga wasn't a prescription, it was a solution.

What do you love about teaching?

I love sharing information. I love games and play—I think the best way to learn is to take your situation and make it fun. We take things too seriously, and forget that classes and lectures can be filled with joy and laughter. The way I teach fosters a learning that comes from within, and that’s fun!

What are you passionate about right now?

Yoga Ed. I became a trainer in 2004 in order to help yoga become an accessible resource in all schools and learning communities. I’m passionate about serving as an advocate for safe learning in schools, healthy eating, and regular exercise. What kids learn in school they bring home, and my mission is to help them bring home mindfulness, peace, love, and acceptance of oneself and others.

What do you do in your downtime?

I love to watch football with my three kids, cook, work in my gardens, and travel—including road trips to Kripalu!

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