Edi Pasalis
Lead Kripalu Faculty
Before stepping into the lead faculty role at Kripalu, Edi Pasalis spent a decade on the Kripalu Leadership team as the Director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living where she helped birth RISE™, Kripalu’s evidence-based initiative to create more people-centered, emotionally intelligent workplaces. She oversaw the mindful resilience training of thousands of educators, health and human services providers, law enforcement personnel, business leaders, and middle and high school students. Outcomes of this work have been published in the Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health and the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and have been presented at the Worksite Wellness Council of MA, American Academy of Management, the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine & Healthcare, the Embodied Positive Psychology Conference, and the Symposium on Yoga Research.
Edi has been learning, growing, and serving through yoga for over 25 years. She holds certificates in Kripalu Yoga and Positive Psychology and master's degrees from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and Harvard Divinity School, and is a student of the Presencing Institute for awareness-based systems change. Edi is amazed by the power of practice, and is particularly interested in how yoga helps people connect to shared aliveness and embody greater wellbeing for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.
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Upcoming Programs
What Is the Kripalu Approach to Leadership? Kripalu leadership programming integrates these fixing and helping impulses and offers a further level: service or love in action.
3 Powerful Benefits of a Silent Retreat Lead Kripalu faculty Edi Pasalis and Jess Frey speak to why silence is a vehicle for reconnection in three powerful ways.
A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research Research on Kripalu's RISE program shows multiple physical and mental-health benefits, and illustrates the major impact the program makes on individuals' work…
Transforming Workplace Cultures with RISE When you work at an organization dedicated to supporting those in need, the ability to draw on yoga-based techniques can have a profound effect on your day-to…
Yoga in the Schools: Helping Adolescents Become Compassionate Adults Tired. Stressed. Bored. These are the words most commonly used by 22,000 high school students surveyed about their experiences in high school.
Making Schools Happy, Healthy Places Yoga in the schools is going mainstream.
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