Practices to Support Well-Being

Yoga, meditation, dance, mindful outdoor explorations, and more, to soothe anxiety, support immunity, and help you feel at home in your body.

May 06, 2020

Introducing Kripalu Connect!

Our new online video subscription membership platform lets you explore content and experiences that are unique to Kripalu, from the comfort of your own home.

May 08, 2020

A Simple Yin Yoga Practice to Cultivate Balance and Relaxation

Kripalu's Michael Petersen leads us through an accessible Yin Yoga sequence you can do anytime, using household items as props.

Apr 19, 2020

A Selection of Offerings from Our Presenters to Support Calm and Immunity

We’ve heard from so many of our wonderful Kripalu presenters, offering free resources to support us all in finding calm and boosting health during these...

Apr 28, 2020

4 Daily Practices for Quieting the Monkey Mind

Kripalu's Katie Hagel shares some of the practices she has been using daily to help her keep at least one nostril above the churning waters of anxiety...

Apr 09, 2020

How to Use Tapping to Calm Anxiety

In the same way that yoga and meditation release stress and create new neuropathways in the brain, tapping is another empowering mind-body tool for calming...

Apr 06, 2020

How Meditating with Nature Can Ground and Connect Us

In uncertain times, the cycles of nature—her ups and downs, her constant change within familiar timetables—can offer reassurance and a sense of perspective.

Mar 30, 2020

Pranayama for Self-Soothing: 3 Yogic Breathing Practices to Cultivate Peace

Kripalu Schools faculty Larissa Hall Carlson offers instructions and videos for three of her favorite breath-awareness practices to promote ease, steadiness,...

Mar 28, 2020

Uncertain Times Call for Joyous Dancing!

Let Your Yoga Dance founder Megha Nancy Buttenheim shares a five-part routine that can be done in as little as 10 minutes, sitting or standing, in small...

Mar 24, 2020

Resilience: Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Disaster

Resilience—the capacity to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity—is as necessary to our well-being as the new virus is disruptive to it. Here'...

The Compassionate Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation

Kripalu’s Maria Sirois, a positive psychologist and master teacher, guides us in the compassionate practice of loving-kindness meditation.

Body Scan Practice to Relax Your Nervous System and Help You Sleep

Kripalu presenter Linda Graham offers instructions on how to relax your body step by step, from feet to head.

Breath and Belly Meditation to Relieve Stress

Kripalu School of Yoga faculty and RISE Facilitator Michelle Dalbec shares a three-minute meditation for easing stress and anxiety.

Mar 12, 2020

A Meditation Practice to Transform Fear

Sally Kempton offers instructions for the Tibetan Buddhist practice known as tonglen.