300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training



Advance your teaching. Deepen your practice.

This training consists of four 9-day modules, taken in any order, that delve deeper into the subtleties and advanced stages of teaching yoga. Each module includes 75 classroom hours.

Kripalu Advanced-Level Teacher Training

Whether you are Kripalu trained or from another tradition, our 300-hour advanced-level teacher training will support you in deepening your practice and providing you with the skills, knowledge and experience to take your teaching to a higher level.

Beginning your 300-hour training program means you are joining a community of over 17,000 Kripalu alumni and current students who are serving their communities by sharing the gifts of yoga. It also means you are enrolling in one of the most respected and established yoga training programs in the world. At Kripalu, we have been training yoga teachers for over forty years.

Our 300-hour program is designed for life-long learners. Please contact us if you have any questions as you continue your yoga education at Kripalu.

Related Trainings



Required Modules

Teaching Pranayama: Essential Practices for Yoga Teachers

The practice of breathwork awakens the life force and opens the door to profound meditation. Deepen your knowledge and gain mastery in teaching pranayama and explore the philosophy that gave birth to these techniques in a training designed to revitalize your physical and energetic bodies. 
This module includes
  • Yogic and contemporary perspectives on prana and the physiology of subtle energy
  • Guided experiences that reveal how pranayama can be used to soothe and steady the mind
  • Practical anatomy and alignment, and Ayurvedic principles for asana and pranayama
  • Contraindications and teaching tools to work safely with students
  • Opportunities to develop your skills and build confidence through one-on-one peer sessions and evaluated practice teach sessions
  • A unique Kripalu teaching methodology that integrates modifications and variations.

Guiding Meditation for Transformational Yoga Teaching: Exploring the World Within

Yoga teaches us that the pursuit of inner stillness is actually enhanced by periods of physical activity. As you sink into meditation, asana becomes a tool to embody higher awareness. Meditation and Advanced Asana provides you with the support, practice, and guidance needed to bring all facets of your being into the single focus of samyama.

This module includes

  • Immersion into the core meditation techniques of the Kripalu tradition
  • An integrated practice of postures, pranayama, and relaxation to enhance meditation
  • Simple yet effective tools to access to the meditative states of dharana and dhyana
  • Insight into the broad spectrum of meditation approaches and their benefits
  • Discussion on how yoga and meditation can affect the healing, growth, and transformation processes.

Elective Modules (choose two)

Teaching Adaptive Yoga: Broaden Your Skills

Yoga has so much to offer those with unique needs. Learn how to make your classes more inclusive and safer for all types of students. Develop valuable skills for working one-on-one and to meet the needs of individuals in a group setting.
In this module, you learn
  • How to sharpen your observation skills to help recognize the specific needs of students
  • The biomechanics of the spine and major joints
  • The science behind trauma and tools to work with trauma sensitive individuals
  • Ayurvedic lifestyle tools to help you and your students remain calm, clear, and connected
  • Principles for teaching various populations including pregnant women, the elderly, and those with chronic pain and health conditions
  • Advanced skills for working with private clients.

Note This module was formerly called Instructing Yoga for Special Populations.

Leading Kripalu Vinyasa: Breathe, Feel, Flow

Deepen your skills and increase your appeal to students who want to experience an intentional and mindful approach to vinyasa yoga. Learn to create intelligent, innovative sequences and establish powerful philosophical themes that support your students both on and off the mat, infusing your teaching with power, purpose, and heart.

During this module, you also

  • Explore vinyasa through the lens of Kripalu Yoga methodology
  • Learn how to lead the three levels of Kripalu Vinyasa, using intelligent and progressive sequencing.
  • Explore modifications and energetic alignment principles to create a safe experience for students at all levels
  • Delve into the koshas, pranayama, and meditation in motion.

Uniting Yoga and Ayurveda: Balancing the Doshas

This course deepens your knowledge of the relationship between yoga and Ayurveda, with classes focused on cultivating prana (life force), agni (inner fire), and ojas (vigor). While here, you participate in daily sadhanas, carve silent time for self-study, and integrate your skills in insightful supervised practicums.

You also

  • Explore the relation between panchamayakosha and the eight limbs of yoga as they relate to Ayurveda
  • Learn key postures, breathing practices, and meditation techniques for balancing psychophysical constitutions (doshas)
  • Experience the different movements of prana, including prana, udana, samana, apana, and vyana
  • Cultivate useful Ayurvedic tools to adjust yoga class sequencing and personalize private sessions that are based on the season, time of day, season of life, and basic doshic imbalances.

Teaching Kripalu Yoga to Adolescents

This training is for educators, social workers, youth workers, clinicians and 200-hour-certified yoga teachers, who have an interest in or work with adolescents.  

Unmanaged stress is linked to a variety of adolescent challenges, specifically depression and anxiety. Research performed by Kripalu, in conjunction with Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, reveals that yoga can be a profound vehicle for cultivating adolescents’ stress resilience, self-acceptance, and ability to self-regulate. Mental health in adolescents is an escalating national crisis and learning these skills and tools is critical for this generation’s wellbeing and future. 

This training provides 

  • An effective, CASEL-endorsed (2013 Guide) Social and Emotional Learning Program (SEL) 
  • A scientifically validated yoga curriculum appropriate for middle and high school physical education and health classes, extracurricular settings, community centers, yoga studios, and more. 
  • Faculty with 40+ years combined experience pioneering the yoga in schools movement 
  • Practical guidance on how to effectively partner with schools, nonprofits, after-school programs, and other organizations serving teens. 
  • Developmentally appropriate lesson plans outlining the introduction of postures, breathing and relaxation techniques; and key yoga concepts. 
  • An exploration of the teen experience through role-playing, discussion, and lectures on adolescent development. 
  • Opportunities for collaborative learning and separate breakouts to hone your skills in the classroom or on the yoga mat 
  • Resources to help you hit the ground running and successfully implement this program in your community.  

Dates and Costs

300-Hour Meditation Module | On Campus | June 14–23, 2024 Register Now
Kripalu Yoga in Schools | On Campus | July 19–28, 2024 Register Now
300-Hour Module: Teaching Adaptive Yoga | On Campus | August 15–25, 2024 Register Now
300-Hour Meditation Module | Online | October 31–December 8, 2024 Register Now

Daily Schedule

When you train with the Kripalu Schools of Yoga, Ayurveda, Integrative Yoga Therapy, and Mindful Outdoor Leadership, you benefit from a unique immersion experience in our beautiful retreat center setting. While you’re here, you develop tools to cultivate health, create community, and encourage a quest for knowledge. We offer a variety of accommodation options to support your experience and budget needs, ranging from dormitories to private rooms.

Student and Faculty Testimonials

Student Mike E.

Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training was the highlight of my life. The methodology at Kripalu truly makes you a teacher!

Faculty Toshiro M.

Japanese practitioners appreciate Kripalu Yoga for its realistic and applicable approach to life.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is the curriculum different for the online versus the campus training?
There is no difference in the curriculum. However, there is additional one-on-one mentoring with Kripalu Faculty made available to our students taking the training online.

How will the trainings be shared?
All sessions of the training will be held by Zoom video call. Links, passwords, and more information will be shared once you are registered for the trianing.


How is the training structured?
Kripalu’s 300-hour training consists of four modules, which can be taken in any order, and are scheduled throughout the year. Each module consists of 75 hours of study.

Programs for each module typically start at 7:00 pm Friday evening and end by noon on the final Sunday. Required daily sadhana is from 6:30 to 8:00 am, with teaching sessions from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm as scheduled. Required evening sessions are held throughout the week.


I am a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. What are the benefits of enrolling in a 300-hour training?
A 300-hour training is an opportunity to enhance your personal practice while expanding your teaching skills. As yoga soars in popularity, students and studios require more teachers with in-depth training and the ability to teach to wider varieties of students, including beginners, advanced practitioners, and people with unique limitations or special needs.

What distinguishes the 300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training?
The Kripalu School of Yoga offers a profound immersion learning experience. When you’re absorbed in yoga, from skill-building and self-development to living in a community of like-minded peers, you have the opportunity to deeply embody what you are learning. You discover empowering ways to integrate the fundamentals of the Kripalu lineage with understanding gained from contemporary wisdom and scientific study. Kripalu Yoga is a living tradition and continually evolving practice.

What specific skills will I develop in each module?
Each module brings an advanced skill set into focus, in order to learn and integrate these skills into a complete Kripalu Yoga class. These include advanced asana and vinyasa, meditation, pranayama, and techniques for adapting yoga to special-needs populations. Teachers are given tools to help them create and develop effective yoga classes for every level.

Graduates are considered Kripalu ambassadors who can skillfully make Kripalu Yoga accessible in serving diverse students, communities, and settings.

Is there a time limit to start or complete all four modules?
You may begin taking the modules any time after you complete your Yoga Alliance–approved 200-hour certification. Most students complete the 300-hour training within two years; however, you can take as many modules as you wish per year. In order to be certified as a 300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher, once accepted as a student, you must complete all four modules within five years.

Once I’m accepted into the 300-hour training, what is the criterion for certification?
Certification is based upon meeting requisites for attendance, class participation, and practice-teaching assessments.

Are there prerequisites, homework, and/or required reading for each module?
Some modules might include homework and reading assignments.

Is there credit for training completed outside of Kripalu?
Students may complete their 200-hour teacher certification at any Yoga Alliance-approved school. However, Kripalu doesn’t transfer credits or hours from any other 300-hour program.

Where can I find information about faculty?
Our faculty are highly trained, longtime practitioners with exceptional teaching and facilitation skills across a wide range of specializations. Find out more about our faculty.

What is the Kripalu approach to vinyasa yoga?
Kripalu’s new elective, Leading Kripalu Vinyasa, is geared toward yoga students seeking more challenge and vigor in their practice. A rich combination of creative, innovative sequences; powerful philosophical themes; deep personal inquiry; and a framework exploring the koshas, meditation in motion, and pranayama are the hallmarks of Kripalu Vinyasa, which helps support your students both on and off the mat.

How is the 300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training (KYTT) different from the 300-Hour Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training (AYTT)?
The 300-Hour KYTT provides a well-rounded training in advanced asana, pranayama, meditation, and offers electives on yoga for special populations, leading vinyasa, and Ayurveda.

The 300-Hour AYTT is also a 300-hour yoga teacher certification, but provides specific focus on incorporating Ayurveda into yoga practice.

Both the 300-hour KYTT and 300-hour AYTT require students to complete four modules at Kripalu.

Do you require continuing education to maintain one’s 300-Hour Kripalu Yoga teacher certification?
We ask that Kripalu Yoga teachers complete 12 hours of yoga-related continuing education per year. This can be anything from taking an anatomy and physiology workshop to attending yoga classes taught by another yoga teacher in your community. We work on an honor system and ask that students keep a log of their hours, in case we should collect them in the future. Currently, we do not collect documentation of these hours.

How can I assess whether the 300-hour training is appropriate for my skill level?
Although our programs are rigorous and require the ability to participate in a nine-day intensive, Kripalu Yoga is renowned for its accessibility to all types of people.

If you still have questions, please contact us at kripaluschools@kripalu.org or 413.448.3152


Admissions to the programs are determined on a rolling basis. Given high program demand, a maximum number of students per training, and limited housing availability, we strongly recommend that applicants submit applications as soon as possible (two–four months prior to the program start). Trainings typically fill to capacity about one month in advance.

We rely on information provided in the application to make informed decisions about your capacity to fully participate in and benefit from all aspects of the program. Please answer the questions honestly and completely. The Kripalu Schools of Yoga and Ayurveda do not discriminate in admissions, administration, or educational policies with regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, creed, or religion.

Kripalu Schools Application Process

  • Review information on program dates, costs, faculty, curricula, certification criteria, and general information about Kripalu on our website.
  • Complete the appropriate application for the program for which you are applying in its entirety, including the short-answer questions. Be sure to indicate your preferred program dates. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Kripalu reserves the right to require a phone interview or take other steps to supplement your application, if needed, in order to arrive at an informed admissions decision.
  • You will be notified of your admissions decision via email within two to four weeks of receipt of your application. If you do not have an email address, we will send your admissions decision by regular mail and also call you to inform you of your status.
  • Maximum capacity for each program date ranges from 50–64 students. If you are accepted in the training and the course you are interested in is full, you may register for the waitlist, which will remain open until the program’s start, or you may register for any training date within one year of your acceptance.

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