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18 programs
    showing results 11–18
    • Online

    30-Day Journal Series
    Choose Love

    Jess Frey

    • Online

    Soul Friends
    The Transforming Power of Human Connection

    Anandamai Charlyn Reihman

    Stephen Cope

    • Friday-Monday: 3 nights
    • On Campus

    Awakening The Thinking-Feeling Self
    Proprioceptive Writing and Yoga

    Kim Chandler

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Just Ask Spirit
    Connect, Ask, and Receive

    Sherianna Boyle

    • Sunday-Thursday: 4 nights
    • On Campus

    Jump-Start Your Memoir
    Write It From the Heart

    Nancy Slonim Aronie

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Pause and Reconnect

    Pilin Anice

    Michell C. Clark

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    The New Memoirist and the Courage to Create

    Elissa Altman

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Words That Heal
    A How-To Publishing Workshop

    Ruby Warrington

    Maggie Langrick