Upcoming Programs, Workshops, and Trainings

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  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Embody: Feel, Heal, And Transform Through Movement
A JourneyDance Experience

Toni Bergins

  • Sunday-Friday: 5 nights
  • On Campus

Embodiment Through the Senses
A Transformative Self-Care Retreat

Bonnie Gintis

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Trauma, Memory, and the Restoration of One’s Self

Bessel van der Kolk

Licia Sky

  • Online

Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification Level 1
Forest Community

Katie Hagel

Dale Abrams

  • Sunday-Friday: 5 nights
  • On Campus

Relax and Renew, Level 1
Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga

Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD, PT

  • Online

Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience
Decode the Language of Your Body, Behavior, and Mind

Rimi Chakraborty

Samantha Anderson

  • Online

The Science and Research on Yoga for Spirituality

Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa

  • Thursday-Sunday: 3 nights
  • On Campus

The Universe of the Yogi's Body
A Journey into the Energy Channels

Vladimir Tchakarov

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

The Way of Miracles
Accessing Your Superconsciousness

Mark Mincolla

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

How To Survive in A Challenging World
A Yoga and Writing Workshop

Lisa Jakub
