Upcoming Programs, Workshops, and Trainings

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  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Indigenous Wisdom
Empowering Your Spiritual Path

Shawn Stevens

Shannon Chada

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Push Off from Here
A Weekend of Resetting, Commitment, and Connection

Laura McKowen

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Afro Flow Yoga
Embracing your Inner Light Under the Full Moon

Leslie Salmon Jones

Jeff W. Jones

Stan Strickland

  • Sunday-Friday: 5 nights
  • On Campus

Embodiment Through the Senses
A Transformative Self-Care Retreat

Bonnie Gintis

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

The Energy to Heal
The Power of Energy Medicine, EMYoga, and Intuition

Lauren Walker

Hilary Crowley

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

The Peaceful Warrior Experience
A Direct Path to Your Best Life

Dan Millman

  • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
  • On Campus

Holistic Life Foundation
Self-Awareness and Self-Love

Ali Smith

Atman Smith

Andrés González

  • Sunday-Friday: 5 nights
  • On Campus

Transformational Leadership Retreat

Edi Pasalis

Jessica Durivage

Sabrina Allard

  • Online

Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience
Decode the Language of Your Body, Behavior, and Mind

Rimi Chakraborty

Samantha Anderson

  • Online

The Science and Research on Yoga for Spirituality

Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa
