Cooling Cardamom for Congestion, Indigestion, and More

These delicious pods are full of sweet and cooling seeds that kindle the digestive fire, combat indigestion, and alleviate gas and bloating. Cardamom is a wonderful spice to use if you have an upset stomach, especially morning sickness or hyper-acidity, or if you tend towards a weaker digestive system. These pods are perfect to stash in your pocket and nibble on prior to a meal. They’re also great for freshening the breath.

Struggling with a cough or congestion? Cardamom can help clear out excess mucus and regulate breathing. Sprinkle cardamom on your ice cream to help aid in digestion and serve as an antidote to the mucus-generating properties of dairy.

Cardamom can also be added to coffee to help balance the acidity of your cup of joe. And according to Ayurveda, the seeds may also stimulate the mind and alleviate depression.

Blueberry Chia Cereal

3 tablespoons chia seeds
1 cup non-dairy milk (almond, hemp, soy, or coconut)
¼ cup fresh blueberries
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon maple syrup
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

Put chia seeds in a cereal bowl. Add remaining ingredients to a blender or food processor, and blend on high until smooth. Pour blueberry mixture over the chia seeds and stir to incorporate. Let sit for 5 minutes, then stir again to break up any clumps. Allow to sit for at least half an hour, or until the cereal has thickened.

Lauren Gernady is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, a 500-hour Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher, a graduate of the Kripalu School of Ayurvedic (KSA), and a former intern and Academic Coordinator of KSA.

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