Five Ways to Take Your Kripalu Experience Home

Our guests tell us that what they love most about their time here is the slower pace and the open space—space for relaxation, yoga, learning, being in nature … all the things that nourish them in body, mind, and spirit. Reconnecting with self and with self-care are often the most powerful gifts of a retreat. But it can sometimes be challenging to sustain that sense of presence and aliveness when we return to everyday life. Here are a few simple ways to bring your experience back home.
Start a yoga or meditation practice—for just a few minutes a day. Remember to set moderate, realistic goals for yourself and your life. Whether it’s five minutes, 15 minutes, or an hour a day, it’s exactly enough if it’s the right amount for you. Studies show that 10 minutes of yoga a day is more effective than 90 minutes once a week, and just seven minutes of loving-kindness meditation enhances feelings of connection. Here's how to get started.
Get to bed earlier. If you’re typically a night owl at home, try establishing a Kripalu-style lights-out routine. According to both science and Ayurveda, we get our best sleep—the dreamless, deep, restorative Zs—between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am; after 2:00 am, we get lighter, dream-filled, and less restorative REM sleep.
Experiment in the kitchen. Find a day once a week, or every couple of weeks, to cook as a learning experience, rather than cooking just to eat. Go for a new, more complicated recipe, or experiment with an ingredient you’ve never worked with before. You’ll gain confidence and expand your repertoire. For inspiration, take home our Kripalu Kitchen cookbook, or check out our favorite recipes.
Reconnect with your local landscape. Choose a “sit spot”—a place in your yard or a nearby park that you can return to again and again, in every season, observing the land and the behavior of the flora and fauna as time passes. Spending time in your spot for just a few minutes, a few times a week, will bring you closer to nature, sharpen your observation skills, and enhance your awareness of the world around you.
Come back with loved ones or colleagues. Want to share the benefits you’ve experienced at Kripalu with your family or work community, so you can make healthy changes together? Bring them back for an R&R stay, and choose from workshops designed to enhance bonding, creativity, and fun. For organizations and corporations, our RISE program delivers stress-resilience trainings on-site or at Kripalu. We hope to see you again soon!