Lisa B. Nelson
Director of Medical Education
Lisa B. Nelson, MD, is a practicing family physician with Community Health Programs, a federally qualified health center in Great Barrington, MA. She serves as the Director of Medical Education for the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and is a graduate of both Kripalu's 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training and 200-Hour Foundations of Ayurveda.
Lisa is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts and Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University Of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. She works with medical schools, community groups, and allied health professionals throughout the US to increase awareness about the treatment and prevention of chronic disease through yoga, exercise, and nutrition. She has presented her work at the US Capitol and Library of Congress, and provided the keynote address for the Advocacy Academy, hosted by the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
Lisa is coauthor, with Annie B. Kay, of the book Yoga and Diabetes: Your Guide to Safe and Effective Practice, published by the American Diabetes Association, Spring 2015.
Why Sugar Isn't So Sweet
5 Practices for Easing the Transition into Daylight Saving Time These practices from Kripalu faculty and presenters will smooth your transition into spring and help you take advantage of the longer days.
Six Tips for Eating Clean Without Going Overboard A diet filled with clean, nutrient-dense, whole foods seems like the way to go, individually and globally. But an enthusiastic backlash has been lobbed at…
Eight Mindful-Eating Tips for the Holidays There are so many distractions—external and internal—that pull us away from the experience of just tasting and enjoying our food. Mindful eating is the…
The Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes Science has shown that elements of yoga help to manage stress and can be part of a lifestyle that may improve blood sugar levels.
The Benefits of Empathic Listening: A Conversation with Lisa B. Nelson When we do something as simple as give others the gift of our full and compassionate attention, we make an impact more powerful than we might imagine.
5 Yoga and Ayurveda Tips for Happy, Healthy Travel Get ready for the road with yoga and Ayurveda tools that can counteract some of the common physical and emotional issues that often come with travel.
Is Storytelling the New Miracle Drug? My reckoning with the power of storytelling came in 2014, after more than a decade of experience working with powerful voices as a book publicist.
Kripalu Perspectives: Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease with Lisa Nelson Lisa B. Nelson names the three biggest risk factors for heart disease, and discusses techniques that can prevent and even reverse the effects of heart disease…
Five Keys to Influencing Your Genes The more we learn about epigenetics (how genes are expressed, as opposed to how they are originally coded) and its relationship to chronic disease, the...
Nutritional Health: What We Eat and How We Eat Not only what we eat, but how we eat, plays a big role in nutritional health.
No Shame Acceptance and appreciation are much more powerful catalysts to making positive shifts than shame and guilt.
From the Mat to the Clinic: Yoga Enters Mainstream Medicine Yoga is being introduced in more and more mainstream American hospitals and wellness centers.
The Sleep-Exercise Link Regular exercise can improve sleep.
De-Sugaring the American Breakfast According to Lisa B. Nelson, MD, Director of Medical Education at Kripalu, we may very well be consuming a full day’s worth of sugar before 9:00 am.
Prevent Heart Disease with a Healthy Lifestyle It’s the organ we associate with love. It’s the organ whose beats keep us alive. Let’s face it: the heart is pretty important.
Vitamins and Antioxidants, with a Grain of Salt Living in the Information Age means that we’re constantly bombarded with data—much of it contradictory—about our health. A recent example: In a University...
The End of Illness? California oncologist Dr. David Agus argues for an immediate shift in the way we view healthcare.
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