Seane Corn
Seane Corn (she/her) is an internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, author, and public speaker who has been at the forefront of yoga, activism, and community service for 28 years. Known for her social activism and impassioned teaching style, Seane is raw, honest, articulate, and spiritually inspired in her self-expression. Her leadership and commitment to justice for all beings, along with 30+ years of yoga practice, have galvanized thousands to practice, pray, find more purpose, and activate change from the inside out. A longtime student, Seane models authenticity in her yoga journey and is considered an artist in her craft.
Seane has chosen to use her platform to help bring awareness to global issues, including social justice, sex trafficking, HIV/AIDS awareness, and animal rights. In 2005, she was named “National Yoga Ambassador” for YouthAIDS, and in 2013 received both the Global Green International Environmental Leadership Award and the Humanitarian Award from the Smithsonian Institute. She cofounded the organization, Off the Mat, Into the World®, which trained leaders in community activism. Seane also cofounded the Global Seva Challenge, which raised over $3.5 million by activating yoga and wellness communities in fund and awareness-raising efforts. Her first book, Revolution of the Soul, was published in Fall 2019. Her online program, Align With Source, has a global reach of thousands and has been a touchstone of community support during the pandemic.
“Revolution of the Soul is heart-wrenchingly vulnerable, relentlessly honest, and refreshingly hilarious. Seane wrangles the power of yoga down from the clouds and into our ordinary relationships, hardships, and bodies, and shows us how to use that power to heal ourselves and the world.” —Glennon Doyle
Learn more about this presenter’s work:
8 Steps for Committing to Activism: The Yoga of Social Change For Seane Corn and Kerri Kelly, social activism aligns closely with the foundations of yoga. They offered these steps for mindfully engaging.
Say No to Good Vibes? The Dangers of Spiritual Bypass What should those of us in “wellness” communities do to act responsibly? How do we strike a crucial balance between self-care and community care? Writer Lara…
Highlights from Women’s Week at Kripalu Our groundbreaking week of womxn-only programming yielded so much conversation, community-building, food for thought, and hope for the future.
Being a Bridge: A Conversation with Seane Corn Seane Corn believes that being a good activist means taking responsibility for our feelings and respecting those of others, even—especially—those with whom we…
Chakras and the Mind-Body Connection Chakra Flow Yoga uses asanas to discharge tension and activate the energy channels of the seven chakras.
I Want My Yoga TV Most people I know who are really into yoga, meditation, and living a more conscious life are pretty moderate in their TV watching. It’s not that we don’t...
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