Upcoming Programs, Workshops, and Trainings

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11 programs
    showing results 1–10
    • Monday-Friday: 4 nights
    • On Campus

    Liberated Expression Through Dance

    Yuval Samburski

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Open Heart, Vibrant Body, Relaxed Mind
    JourneyDance into the New Year

    Toni Bergins

    • Online

    Celebrate The New Year with JourneyDance
    The Livestream Experience

    Toni Bergins

    • Sunday-Wednesday: 3 nights
    • On Campus

    Reclaim Your Creativity

    Steven Hosking

    Laura Dickstein Thompson

    • Sunday-Wednesday: 3 nights
    • On Campus

    A Sonic-Somatic Adventure

    Tasha Blank

    Nico Allen

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Biodanza • The Dance of Life
    From Slowness to Splendor

    Maira Martinez

    Dan Getman

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Pause and Reconnect

    Pilin Anice

    Michell C. Clark

    • Online

    The Holy Wake-Up Call

    Coby Kozlowski

    • Sunday-Friday: 5 nights
    • On Campus

    Embodiment and Freedom
    A Continuum Workshop

    Robin Becker

    • Friday-Sunday: 2 nights
    • On Campus

    Healing the Emotional Body
    A SomaSoul Somatic Therapy Workshop

    Dan Leven